P3: Learners evaluate their own resources along with other resources and/or assistance that may be available to them in order to start their own business, gain employment or move on to higher education.
As part of your development as a 'media practitioner' you should make an assessment of the resources that are currently available to you at the moment and explore other resource you might need and how you might access them....in order to achieve your career goal.
Here is what you should do:
What do you need? (What is essential/desirable/luxury?)Do a mind map of the resources that you think you might need to be successful in your chosen career path. Think about contacts, networks, equipment, funding, transport, locations, workspace/studio, web presence, professional development . . . order them by essential/desirable/luxury.
Take a picture of your mind map and upload it to your blog.
Evaluate your ResourcesYou now need a written 'evaluation' of your resources. Do this by presenting a SWOT analysis which means you look at your resources and assess:
STRENGTHS - strong resources.
WEAKNESSES - resources you need but have not got access to at the moment
OPPORTUNITIES - resources that can lead to developing opportunities (contacts, particular access to equipment or travel or subjects)
THREATS: changing technology, competitive markets, lack of access to resources you need etc
Present this SWOT analysis in a format of your choice.
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