Create a showreel or digital portfolio

What you need to do:
It is vital to have a quick way to show people your work and enable potential clients, partners or employers to contact you. You need to complete either a showreel or a digital portfolio,  we also recommend you host your work on your own website or web page (see guidance below).

A good example of a showreel: https://medialhoney.wixsite.com/unit24


Your show-real should act as a calling card for your moving image work. It should be short (1-2 minutes) and show off all of the best bits of your work. You should tailor it to your specialism (animation, video games, visual effects, cinematography or sound design).

Your portfolio should demonstrate your photographic, illustration, graphics, design, or copy-writing skills.  You should select the work you are most pleased with but also a range of work that shows off your versatility. If you are seeking to work in the print-based industries you should have a well-mounted physical portfolio in a zip-up case so you can take it to interviews and meetings.

Web home page 
It is now common practice to have a web page to promote yourself and so people can find you easily online.  This can range from a simple page with contact details to a comprehensive site showing your work, your CV and other information about you.

Here are some useful links to some website builders:.

Adobe Porfolio is part of the cloud and specifically for exhibiting work online.

(beware - you have to pay to upload videos to this site)

Both  are free, both pretty simple to use and have quite a comprehensive FAQ's for anyone that wants to link their domain or pay a bit extra from some other services.

If anyone wants to pay a bit more (maybe about £60/year) the king of website builders in Squarespace.
http://www.squarespace.com/ Wix is also very good.

The quality is fantastic, they have loads of templates to get you started, top-notch customer service, good SEO etc... Well worth it if you want to get some use out of their website. There are usually some discount codes knocking around online.

You can buy your own domain name using sites like https://uk.godaddy.com/  or  https://www.123-reg.co.uk
