Evaluate your own qualities, including; personal characteristics, skills, relevant achievements, experience and interests

a) Skills Audit

Write a list of all of the skills you feel you have developed on the course so far. Also, think about skills you have from outside the course.  Be positive about yourself!

If you are stuck then discuss them with someone you trust.  Or talk them through with your supervisor!  Use the subheaders below to help you.

Personal characteristics (with examples) 
Social and personal skills as well as timekeeping and organisation.
Soft skill - social, creative thinking, working with others, presenting work, expressing ideas, communication.
Hard- technical ability, understanding of programs and equipment,  script formatting, storyboarding,  risk assessment, pre-production . . camera skills, editing, graphics, animation, creativity
Relevant achievements
Qualifications, sports, driving license
Experience and interests
Jobs, work experience, projects completed, hobbies

 Roberto outlines a range of skills that a graphic designer will need to be successful in the industry.  Many of these skills are transferable (they are useful in other creative industries).  As you are watching write a list of the skills that you could use to describe yourself.

b) SWOT Analysis 

A SWOT analysis is where you look at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  You could draw these in a diagram, in a grid or mind map.

Strengths = Things you feel comfortable doing, hard and soft skills, resources, ambitions, and aims
Weaknesses = Things you would like to do but can't yet, the equipment you need but haven't got . .
Opportunities = courses, experiences, resources etc that are open to you in the foreseeable future
Threats = Anything that will get in the way of you meeting your goals, these could be finances, resources, or other barriers to entry around issues of equality for example.

c) As well as a SWOT analysis we would like you to plan your "Personal and Professional Development Opportunities"

Write a  list of qualities you would like to develop your skills in.  Perhaps things you are less confident doing,  or things you have liked doing and in which you want to build more experience. Again try to cover the areas above.

There are a number of resources on the sidebar of this website that can help you.  Some of the videos below might help you, but you should find advice on job.roles and careers which are most relevant to your aims.


If you are interested in getting into the film industry watch this short interview or other BAFTA guru clips.  Do you have any of the skills and experiences Tom or the others have?

Another great source of advice it the creative skillset website.

1.1 Critically evaluate own strengths and ambitions to support own development and meet identified goals.
